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We committed to the safety of employees, contractors and the general public.  We recognize that providing and integrating a sound environmental, health and safety program into our business is key to our success. We strive to be the top Health, Safety & Environment performance with zero incident, zero occupational illness & injury.


VENTURA as provider for Provision of Digital, Integrated Safety, Security, Surveillance and Pipeline System Solutions Through Specialized Engineering, Project Management and Lifecycle Services for Oil & Gas, Petrochemical Related, Energy and Infrastructure Industries. is committed to conduct business in a manner to protect, preserve, and enhance quality, health, safety and the environment by:

  • Comply with all pertinent HSE laws, rules, regulations and other requirements, not just because it is legally required, but also because we believe it is the responsible way to conduct our business
  • Set QHSE targets and goals annually to measure our performance, to achieve superior results and to continually improve
  • Review, revise and continual improve of IMS on a regular basis
  • Provide QHSE information, education and training to our employees and external providers in order for them to have the knowledge, skills, and understanding to perform their responsibilities and duties to achieve QHSE work performance intended results and prevent work related injury and ill health.
  • Empower and expect employees and external providers to promptly report noncompliance or unsafe conditions and to take immediate action to eliminate hazards and reduce HSE risks
  • To protect workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards risk and opportunities
  • To protect workers from stop work when they found unsafe working environment
  • Communicate our commitment to obtain participation and consultation from our employees, affiliates and contractors

The management shall accept responsibility for reviewing the effectiveness of IMS and company policy for suitability. The management shall promote the QHSE awareness among employee, business associates and other interested parties to ensure a safe place and good environment to work.



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