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CEO Run 2023

CEO Run 2023

          On 20 August 2023, Ventura IOT has been participated in CEO Run 2023 event at Bandar Shah Alam.  The program collaboration between MBSA and Lembaga Zakat Selangor officiated by Tuan Dr. Nor Fuad Bin Abd Hamid, Datuk Bandar Shah Alam and YBrs. Mohd Sabirin Bin Mohd Sarbini, Chief Executive Officer of Lembaga Zakat Selangor.

          There are various of activities organized throughout the event such as archery, wall climbing, bike race, eco free market dan others. Also, many government and private sectors agency participated during the program such as SPRM, KWSP, AADK, JPJ, Avisena Specialist Hospital, TNB, PTPTN and others food vendors. We hope we can anticipate this event again in the future.

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